'BLOG' 카테고리의 다른 글
TRON Poster (0) | 2010.12.06 |
Yolanda Be Cool & D Cup(ft. Cleary & Harding) - We No Speak Americano (1) | 2010.12.06 |
TRON Poster (0) | 2010.12.06 |
Yolanda Be Cool & D Cup(ft. Cleary & Harding) - We No Speak Americano (1) | 2010.12.06 |
출발 드림팀 저리가라! TOP 10 MOMENTS OF TOTAL WIPE OUT!!! (0) | 2010.12.03 |
12월 첫 포스팅 (0) | 2010.12.01 |
Shinichi Osawa - Technodluv (0) | 2010.12.01 |
@designDHL - "추억의 도시락" 섞기의 달인 (2) | 2010.12.01 |
Shinichi Osawa - Technodluv (0) | 2010.12.01 |
Feadz ft. Boys Noize - The Ultimate (0) | 2010.11.30 |
CHECK OUT THIS MONTH'S "the bling" (0) | 2010.11.29 |
Incase | Eley Kishimoto Case for iPhone 4 (1) | 2010.11.28 |
DAZED&CONFUSED ft. DAFT PUNK (0) | 2010.11.26 |
Incase | Eley Kishimoto Case for iPhone 4 (1) | 2010.11.28 |
DAZED&CONFUSED ft. DAFT PUNK (0) | 2010.11.26 |
2011 KINGMCK PROFILE UPDATE (0) | 2011.01.25 |
KINGMCK? (2) | 2010.11.24 |
Playing several instruments from a young age, KINGmck(pronounced kingmac) has already had a very interesting career as a DJ. Spending his childhood in the state of Florida, he was naturally influenced with grunge rock as well as house music which ultimately led him to becoming a full-time Dj/producer. With his unique taste and selection in music, KINGmck is always loved by the crowd. His remix work which has been covered in several music blogs such as HYPEMACHINE and TOOMANYSEBASTIANS has proved his producing ability. Being booked for Korea's main festivals such as "Global Gathering Korea", "World DJ Festival", "Pentaport Rock Festival", and "Hi! Seoul Festival", shows how influential KINGmck is to the Korean club scene. Currently being the only Korean DJ to be sponsored by "Jagermeister", KINGmck also goes under the name MONGOLOID with partner Eugene Blake, bringing a newer vibe into the scene. Lately, he has gathered up with colleagues such as DJs, graphic artists, promoters, and designers and formed STARDIUMSEOUL. The crew have already launched their apparel line and are busy preparing for their launching party with the support of artists around the globe.
KINGmck is still at an early stage in his career, yet has already achieved much success. The future holds even more promise.
KINGmck(킹맥)은 여러 악기를 배워오며 음악적 감각을 길러온 DJ/Producer로써 짧지 않은 경력을 갖고 있다. 어린 시절을 미국에서 보내며 디제잉을 시작하여 Electro라는 큰 틀 아래 자신의 독특한 음악적 색을 추가함으로써 많은 사랑을 받아오고 있다. 송창식의 ‘가나다라’, Dance Area의 'AA 24 7', UJN+NOVA의 'Electron Energy'를 포함하여 꾸준한 리믹스를 하여 HYPEMACHINE, TOOMANYSEBASTIANS와 같은 일렉트로닉 웹사이트에 곡들이 수록/소개되며 프로듀서로서의 자질도 인정받고 있다. "Hi! Seoul Festival", "Pentaport Rock Festival", "Global Gathering Korea", "World DJ Festival"에 참가하여 골수 클러버가 아닌 대중을 상대로 자신의 음악관을 인정받으며, 대한민국 클럽씬에서 가장 영향력있는 주류 JAGERMEISTER에서 후원을 받는 유일한 DJ이다. Eugene Blake와 함께 MONGOLOID라는 프로젝트/팀 아래 실험적인 Live Set과 작업물을 만들며 클러버들이 보지 못했던 새로운 스타일을 선보이고 있다.
KINGmck(キングマック)はいろいろな楽器を学んで行きながら、音楽的感覚を育ててきたDJ/Producerとして申し分のない経歴の持ち主である。幼少をアメリカで過ごし、DJの仕事を始め、Electroという大きな枠のもとで自分の独特な音楽的色彩を加えることで広く愛されている。ソンチャンシク(韓国の歌手であり、韓国の音楽界に多くの影響を与えた)の‘ガ、ナ、ダ、ラ’、Dance Areaの‘AA 24 7’、UJN+NOVAの‘Electron Energy’を含め、コツコツとリミックス活動を行い、HYPEMACHINE, TOOMANYSEBASTIANSのようなエレクトロニックウェブサイトに曲が収録・紹介され、プロデューサーとしての資質も認められている。“Hi! Seoul Festival”,“Pentaport Rock Festival”,”Global Gathering Korea”,“World DJ Festival”に参加し、クラブマニアだけではなく大衆にまで自分の音楽観を認められ、韓国CLUBシーンでもっとも影響力のある主流JAGERMEISTERで支援を受けている唯一のDJである。Eugene Blakeと一緒にMONGOLOIDというプロジェクト・チームのもとで実験的なLive Setと曲を作り上げ、クラバーたちが従来見なかった新しいスタイルを提案している。現在、韓国のDJ、グラフィックデザイナー、衣類デザイナーと一緒にSTARDIUMSEOUL というクルーを結成、アパレルラインを立ち上げ、 CLUBシーンで今まで見なかった新しいパーティ文化を企画している。
2011 KINGMCK PROFILE UPDATE (0) | 2011.01.25 |
MONGOLOID? (0) | 2010.11.24 |